11 Simple Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Redecorating your home is exciting and you may be tempted to put the most time and energy into public spaces like the kitchen and living room. Before putting the bedroom on your list of rooms to get to later, think about it practically. Sure, you spend the evenings in the living room and prepare meals in the kitchen, but where do you really go to relax? The bedroom.

Your days are full of demands on your time and energy, so you deserve a place you can go to get away. More than just a bed in a room, your bedroom is a personal space where you can let the worries of the day disappear and get a good night’s rest.

When decorating your bedroom, it’s important to keep your individual style in mind but you should think practically as well. As much as you might like bright neon colors and bold patterns, they may not be the most relaxing choice. Read on to see our tips for decorating your bedroom for relaxation.

Simple Ideas to Decorate Your Bedroom

Your bedroom should be a place of respite. At the end of a long day, you should be able to walk into the bedroom, close the door, and let the worries of the day fall away. With the right décor and the help of the perfect fragrance, you can transform your bedroom into a relaxing and stress-free oasis.

Here are some simple ideas to decorate your bedroom:

1. Choose a soft color scheme.

Color has a great deal of power to it, so choosing the right color for your bedroom is very important. If you want your bedroom to feel relaxing, go with cool colors. Soft blues and greens are a great choice, or something mellow like a golden yellow. If you’re a fan of color, stick to pastel shades rather than bright tones and use darker shades as accent colors.

2. Keep your furnishings simple and comfortable.

In addition to keeping your color palette subdued, you should also use a gentle touch when it comes to choosing furnishings. Your bed is obviously the most important element and will naturally be the centerpiece of the room but try to avoid anything too ornate. Choose items that are simple and classic without hard edges or flashy details. Aim for comfort and quality over attention-grabbing details.

3. Use fragrance to change the ambiance.

The right fragrance can transform a room, so add a LAFCO reed diffuser or scented candle in relaxing scents like Chamomile Lavender or Spike Lavender. LAFCO candles and diffusers are presented in decorative art glass vessels that will complement your bedroom décor in addition to adding luxurious fragrance. The good news is these vessels can be reused and repurposed so they can be a permanent fixture in your décor.

4. Incorporate texture as a design element.

Though you want to avoid bright or bold colors that might detract from the relaxing vibe you’re going for, there’s no rule against texture. In fact, incorporating different textures as a design element enables you to add a little personality and creativity to the space. Quilted bedding with a fluffy throw and a silky dust ruffle all in neutral but complementary tones says just as much as a bright color.

5. Choose soft accent colors or a simple pattern.

If you’ve chosen a neutral color palette, you may want to add a little personality with an accent color. Choose a soft accent color like powder blue or butter yellow, using it in details like throw pillows, lamp shades, and bedding. If most of the décor in your bedroom is monochromatic, you may want to take your accents one step further by incorporating a simple pattern. Using the same pattern throughout the room can be must as effective as an accent color.

6. Use decorations sparingly to avoid clutter.

It may be tempting to cover your bed in throw pillows and blanket the walls with art, but the more you add the more cluttered the room becomes. A few carefully chosen details can add to the relaxing quality of your bedroom but too much clutter may have the opposite effect. Choose decorative items that bring a sense of calm to the room, like a LAFCO scented candle presented in a beautiful art glass vessel.

7. Make your bed as comfortable as possible.

Your bed is where you’ll start and end your days, so you want it to be as comfortable and inviting as possible. The trick to a comfy bed is layered bedding. Start out with soft sheets (think flannel in winter) topped with a light blanket or quilt for warmth. Add a down-filled comforter or duvet and drape a throw blanket across the foot of the bed. If that’s not quite enough, add a few throw pillows and shams.

8. Keep the necessities close at hand.

Once you’ve settled into bed for the night, you’re not going to want to get up again. Make sure your design is practical as well as aesthetic, so you have everything you need within reach. Think carefully about the items to place on your nightstand as well: a dish for jewelry, a reading lamp, and maybe a bottle of LAFCO hand cream to give your skin a luxurious dose of moisture before you nod off.

9. Leave the electronics behind.

Few things are as relaxing as spending the day in bed watching your favorite TV show, but there’s something to be said for a tech-free space. Electronic devices play tricks on your brain and the light from the screen can interfere with your body’s natural rhythm, making it harder for you to fall asleep at night. If you need help falling asleep, try reading a book or use an e-reader like the Kindle that isn’t backlit.

10. Choose layered curtains or blackout curtains.

The key to getting a good night’s sleep is a cool, dark, and quiet environment. Though some people can sleep through anything, many find it difficult to fall asleep when there’s too much light. Even if you don’t go so far as to install blackout curtains, consider layering your curtains so you can go for a lighter look during the day and keep out excess light at night.

11. Choose soft lighting and avoid overhead lighting.

Lighting is important, but the last thing you want when you walk into the bedroom is be blinded by harsh light. If you can’t get away without overhead lighting, look for a decorative chandelier or at least switch to lower wattage bulbs. Bedside lamps are perfect for the bedroom or wall sconces, especially if you can put them on a dimmer. If you have ceiling lights, installing a dimmer there as well will help.

When it comes to choosing bedroom décor, it’s largely a matter of style and preference. Choose items that make you feel at home and aim for a warm, relaxing ambiance. To bring the different elements of your design together, finish it off with a LAFCO scented candle or reed diffuser in your favorite scent.

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