Olive Oil and Sweet Almond Oil in your LAFCO Soap…

Why you’ll find ingredients such as olive oil and sweet almond oil in your LAFCO soap.

If you glance at the box containing your LAFCO bar soap you’ll see the ingredients “sodium olivate” and  “prunus amygdalus dulci.” Don’t let the complicated nomenclature confuse you. These are actually just the names for the enriching olive oil and sweet almond oil found in all LAFCO bar soap. That’s an indication of the great things you are doing for your body when you include any type of LAFCO bar soap into your everyday routine!

Both Olive Oil and Sweet Almond Oil deliver superior moisture and vital nutrients to your skin.

Olive Oil has been proven to nourish the skin, actively replenishing oils and improving its texture. These properties make it a fantastic anti-aging ingredient. What’s more, olive oil is hypoallergenic, so don’t worry about your skin reacting unfavorably to bar soap. In addition to being rich in vitamin E and A, improving the health of your skin, olive oil is also a natural remedy for skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis and more.

Similarly, Sweet Almond Oil contains more of the same nutrients and vitamins. This oil also combats dry and irritated skin. Almond Oil has emollient and humectant properties, making your skin soft and preventing your skin from drying out simultaneously.

Who knew being so proactive about the health of your skin could be so easy…and smell so good!

Shop here: https://www.lafco.com/bar-soap

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